S U M M E R   S C H O O L

One spring, a printmaker named Kyle Durrie wrote to me about her Type Truck -- an old milk truck she had converted into a letter-pressing studio. She was on a nation-wide tour and wanted to know if she could park the truck outside Ace Hotel Palm Springs for a weekend and offer guests free printmaking lessons. As I envisioned tipsy people in their swimsuits padding in and out of the Type Truck proudly pinching a fresh print between their fingers, it gave rise to the idea of Summer School for adults. Thus was born the first poolside craft school and skillshare in world history, wherein we sent guests home with their suitcases stuffed with art of their own making -- including amateur porn, G-rated stationary and psychedelic geode prints. It became an annual tradition at Ace Palm Springs, still going strong.

Director: The Video Mouse

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